
Pilot Project in Komi and NAO: Full alert
October 13, 2016

A training workshop entitled “Manager of Forest Fire Fighting Operations” has been held on the basis of the Inta branch of the Yugyd va national park.
A field training workshop entitled “Manager of Forest Fire Fighting Operations” is annually held by the Yugyd va national park with financial support from… Read more »

Pilot project in Belarus – One Road, Common Goals
October 6, 2016

Colorful and active, inspiring and uniting “Bike 4 SDGs: One Road, Common Goals” event was joyfully celebrated on September 21 in Naliboksky Nature Reserve, Valožhyn rayon of Belarus. Devoted to support Sustainable Development Goals and focusing on inclusion, environment, healthy lifestyle and partnership the ride organized by UNDP in Belarus… Read more »

Pilot project in Belarus – Ecological street-art

Clima East pilot project in Belarus supported annual street-art festival Vulica Brasil that took place for the third time in Minsk on 25 August – 17 September. Within the framework of the festival Brazilian and Belarusian artists painted walls at different locations in Minsk, creating huge murals with height of… Read more »

Clima East: helping Georgia make degraded lands ready for planting forests
September 21, 2016

Georgia is facing the problem of land degradation due to climate change. Rehabilitation of degraded lands as an adaptation measure implies various approaches all of them having a greenhouse gas mitigation effect. The afforestation of degraded lands is one of the best solutions due to both the importance of and… Read more »

Clima East: helping protect Ukraine’s forests from Climate change
September 13, 2016

Flatland forests make up approximately 80% of forested lands in Ukraine. Ukraine’s forests are already being affected by climate change and the significance of these impacts is likely to increase in the course of the century. In 2016, the EU-funded Clima East Policy project commissioned a group of national and… Read more »

Clima East: supporting Moldova to implement provisions of EU law on fuel quality and monitoring of industrial emissions
August 31, 2016

Clima East commissioned two international experts with experience in EU legislation on emissions trading and fuel quality to support the government of Moldova. The experts helped transpose elements of the European acquis on emissions trading and fuel quality into the law of Moldova. The experts were also entrusted with recommending… Read more »

Pilot project in Armenia – Shaping the landscape: discover the project’s photo story
August 22, 2016

With EU funding and UNDP support, the Clima East Pilot Project in Armenia has been working to restore the degraded mountainous pastures and forests of Armenia. The project is also building capacity and bolstering economic benefits for local communities through sustainably managing the land. 
Discover how the Clima East Pilot… Read more »

Pilot project in Belarus: Belarusian festival “Sporava hayfields 2016” rediscovered traditional hand hay making or Sweat, Tears and the Goal of «Sporava hayfields 2016» festival
August 18, 2016

Belarusian festival “Sporava hayfields 2016” rediscovered traditional hand hay making or Sweat, Tears and the Goal of «Sporava hayfields 2016» festival
Hand haymaking can be an enjoyable activity to do in the summertime. Participants of an ecological festival “Sporava hayfields 2016” from their own experience learned how to fit traditional… Read more »

Adaptation policies in the EU at the sub-national level: context, history and initiatives
July 28, 2016

Since 2009 and the issue of its White Paper on Climate change adaptation, the European Union is leading numerous adaptation policies to tackle the effects of climate change, not only at the EU and Member States level, but also at the sub-national level, supporting local and regional governments in the… Read more »

Workshop on approximation of law of the Republic of Moldova on ODS and F-gases to the EU acquis, in line with the Association Agreement
July 20, 2016

On 14 July, in Chisinau (Moldova), Clima East project team organized a closing workshop for Expert Facility Project CEEF-2014-050-MD: „Implementation of the provisions from the Annex XII (Chapter 17, Climate Actions) of the Association Agreement between Republic of Moldova and European Union: Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament… Read more »