Clima East Expert Facility

Clima East Expert Facility

The Clima East Expert Facility (CEEF) offered support from eligible organisations involved with climate actions, targeting both mitigation and adaptation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Through this Expert Facility, eligible applicants from Partner Countries were able to request specific and dedicated short term expert support of up to 50 expert man-days per application to assist in defined tasks that contribute to achieving results on the ground in climate change policy and action.

The project has now closed so we are no longer able to accept applications.


Case Studies 

  • Clima East helps Moldova implement provisions of EU law on fuel quality and monitoring of industrial emissions (in English) (in Russian)
  • Clima East helps protect Ukraine’s forests from climate change (in English) (inRussian)
  • Clima East helps Georgia make degraded lands ready for planting forests (in English) (in Russian)