
Pilot project in Belarus – One Road, Common Goals

Colorful and active, inspiring and uniting “Bike 4 SDGs: One Road, Common Goals” event was joyfully celebrated on September 21 in Naliboksky Nature Reserve, Valožhyn rayon of Belarus. Devoted to support Sustainable Development Goals and focusing on inclusion, environment, healthy lifestyle and partnership the ride organized by UNDP in Belarus eloquently underlined Belarus’ contribution to achieving the Global Goals. More than 400 participants from 35 countries- Staff of the UN agencies in Belarus, diplomatic corps, international organizations, representatives of line ministries and other governmental institutions, NGOs, businesses and media people – were all actively involved in the initiative.

The cheerful mood of the opening of the “Bike 4 SDGs” imbued the rich programme of the day: 22 km long bike trail as a massive launch, including participants on handbikes, a 8 km canoeing route, guided tours exploring the beauty and history of the region, a huge concert following, educational games for children, a bright bonfire in honor of SDGs and local cuisine to enjoy. Among other participants of large exhibition of UNDP projects contributing to #SDGs implementation in Belarus. Clima East pilot project in Belarus presented informational roll-ups as well as samples of products manufactured from harvested peatland biomass.


  • PRESS RELEASE - Bike 4 SDGs gathers participants from 35 countries in Volozhin District
  • The event on Facebook
  • Bike4SDGs: Leaving No One Behind