The Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) is a subsidiary body of the UNFCCC established at COP.17 in Durban. It was set up in order to develop a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties. The work on the new agreement is to be completed no later than 2015 in order to be adopted at the COP.21 in Paris, in order to be implemented by all parties from 2020. Another issue debated by ADP is how to close the ambition gap between reductions necessary to limit the increase of global temperature to below 2°C and the level of reductions that may be achieved by parties, if they implement their collective 2020 reduction pledges and commitments. This process is addressing pre-2020 ambition notwithstanding the 2013-2015 review of the long-term global goal and recommendations of the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC.

The agenda that was finally agreed in the course of the following year confirmed the creation of two workstreams within the ADP: the first workstream (WS1) focussing on agreement on a new legal instrument in 2015 for the period after 2020, and the second workstream (WS2) focussing on raising ambition in the period up to 2020. In the course of 2012 and 2013, ADP worked under both WS through workshops and roundtables, enabling parties to share the views and exchange opinions on a range of issues.

The goal of keeping the rise of global temperature below 2°C can be achieved through full implementation of the existing pledges, undertaking urgently complementary actions increasing ambition in the period to 2020 and achieving an ambitious outcome on mitigation post-2020.

Parties are aiming for achieving substantial progress on ambition in 2014, at the same time putting forward draft text on 2015 agreement which is to be adopted in Paris in 2015.