
Supporting GHG Inventory and MRV of GHG emissions from industrial installations for officials and representatives of industry in Georgia

The training, held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 27-28 March 2017, aimed at enhancing the understanding and capacity of Georgian stakeholders in the sector of industrial processes in relation to monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of the sector, the process of establishing the MRV system for GHG mitigation activities as well as  barriers and challenges. Both bottom up and top down approaches to MRV were been presented, from the perspective of the EU Emissions Trading and individual installations.

MRV has been one of the areas of focus for Clima East project activities. Its importance was highlighted by the Paris Agreement wherein there was included the UNFCCC Parties’ commitments under their (I)NDCs and the Paris Agreement provisions on MRV as the mechanism of monitoring the process of implementation of national GHG mitigation measures. The EaP countries face the urgency of establishing MRV systems and assistance in this area was identified as a priority for the Clima East projects National WPs for 2016/17 for all EaP countries. The industrial processes sector has been selected by Georgia for the focus of Clima East assistance in MRV system building. 

Due to a number of factors, including complexity, the Industrial processes and products use (IPPU) sector was a priority for Clima East in Georgia in terms of requested and provided assistance. Clima East has assisted in Georgia’s Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) and in creating processes for the implementation of the commitment of Georgia regarding fluorinated (F) gases and Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

This two-day training has been envisaged to cover various aspects of MRV, including UNFCCC requirements, Paris Agreement and Green House Gas inventory aspects. There were a wide range of attendees: representatives of the industries functionning in Georgia, Association of Refregirator specialists, governmental employees, staff of the climate change, air and licenses and permits units of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Ministry of Energy representatives, Technical University representatives, LEDS project experts, BUR1 project experts, relevant agencies, NGOs and individual experts involved in CC and IP areas. Clima East Key Experts and a Non-Key Expert provided  comprehensive presentations on the EU, PA and UNFCCC-related perspectives on MRV and good practice examples from EU member states.  An introduction of the new 2006 IPCC Guidelines for accounting GHG emissions from the IPPU sector was also presented by an experienced UNFCCC expert-reviewer and Clima East NKE. MENRP also presented on the Georgian GHG inventory of the IPPU sector and Georgia’s commitment on the F-gases and ODS under their Association Agreement. A substantial part of the event was dedicated to the outcomes of Clima East activities in assistance to Georgia in the IPPU sector, implemented under the Clima East Expert Facility. There were two assignments;  approximation to EU regulations in F-gases and ODS and an assignment on GHG mitigation measures recommended for the Georgian industries for its Low Emission Development Strategy.

The discussions following all these presentations demonstrated that the attendees received with great interest the information provided at the training and enhanced their understanding of Climate Change related issues in the sector and the salient issues surrounding MRV.  The participants were pleased to exchange their information and views, describing the practical conditions in Georgian industries and considering the ways of overcoming the challenges and issues. Participants further expressed their willingness to cooperate with one another and the Government in dealing with the sector’s monitoring and reporting, as well as in replicating advanced technologies and good practice from EU Member States in establishing the MRV systems in the sector. 

Find all the workshop’s presentations on our dedicated page!