
Pilot project in Belarus: The Fire for Good or Controlled Burning as Ecological Tool for Peatlands

Session of scientific-social advisory panel on ecosystem services and biodiversity was held on February, 13 in National Academy of Sciences Research Practical Center on Biodiversity. The main topic of the session was sustainable management of peatlands and flood meadows.

Representatives of different scientific institutions and centers, environmental NGOs discussed cutting and usage of bog vegetation, translocation of aquatic warbler, and new international projects of technical assistance in this area. Another one important item of agenda was presentation of Mikhail Maksimenkov, Scientific Coordinator of EU/UNDP Project “Clima-East: Conservation and sustainable management of peatlands in Belarus to minimize carbon emissions and help ecosystems to adapt to climate change, while contributing to the overall mitigation and adaptation effort” on controlled burning of extra vegetation.

Since this tool is quite innovative for Belarus project representative informed on ecological consequences in nature that can be solved with the help of controlled burning: degradation of protected animals’ habitats, reduction of calcareous fens, general production loss of peatlands, continuation of uncontrolled burnings conducted by population.

Demonstrative example of excessive peatland vegetation


Demonstrative example of excessive peatland vegetation

Uncontrolled burning, after which ecosystem needs 2-4 years for recovery


Uncontrolled burning, after which ecosystem needs 2-4 years for recovery

“Controlled burning is necessity and the least evil solution for peatlands and biodiversity, since colonization of these territories by trees and shrubs can lead to loosing not less than 40 species from Red Book of Belarus”, emphasized Mikhail Maksimenkov.

Participants of the event learned not only about ecological effect of “peaceful” fire on peatlands, but also about technical features, optimal conditions, organization of duties, legislation, list of obligatory documents that need to be prepared for conduction of this measure (scientific rationale, agreements with district department of Ministry of Emergent Situations, instruction, approval form, order of Specially Protected Area Head).

Photos of “Zvaniec” reserve after controlled burning held in the frame of the EU/UNDP Project “Clima-East”: extra vegetation was out burnt, reed is almost absent, land surface was not touched, sedge apex saved, there is enough dry vegetation for birds to build nests

There was a long discussion after the presentation, exchange of controlled burning pros and contras, analysis of international experience and scientific works. It means that it is necessary to conduct such measures with participation of different NGOs and widely inform about positive ecological effects achieved with the help of this ecological tool.