
Pilot Project in Armenia: Process of new forest belt establishment in Gegharkunik Marz

18,500 seedlings were planted on pilot afforestation site (18.2 ha) in Tsovak community of Gegharkunik region in spring 2015. Tree species adapted to local conditions were selected for planting: feral pear, apple, plumb and cherry as well as walnut, poplar, ash-tree, rowan, maple and acacia. This tree species composition is to ensure benefits for local community residents and increased forest resilience to climate change risks. The planned afforestation site maintenance activities are ongoing. The regular monitoring of the afforestation pilot implementation is ensured by the project team and local monitor. Establishment of this new forest belt will also contribute to carbon accumulation in forest.

This pilot is aimed at demonstration of climate change mitigation and adaptation benefits and dividends for local communities.






For more information, please visit the Pilot Project Facebook Page.