
Clima East at COP 19 – Notes from our Key Expert (1)

Adaptation is emerging as an important part of the new agreement.

Discussions of the Parties to the UNFCCC on adaptation indicate that adaptation is emerging as an important part of the new agreement. Developing Countries insist on according adaptation a greater role in the new agreement, building on the existing architecture (Cancun Adaptation Framework, Nairobi Work Programme, Adaptation Fund). Adaptation is also seen as one of the conditions of sustainable development.  Several African countries support the idea of setting a global adaptation goal, parallel to the long term global goal (LTGG) for emission reductions which is a key element of a shared vision for long term cooperative action of all countries in the international context. Developing countries would like to see adaptation and mitigation being treated equally, which would translate into equal distribution of financing between adaptation and mitigation actions in developing countries. Adaptation is considered by developing countries as a key challenge for agriculture. Developed countries support discussion on both, adaptation and mitigation in agriculture, considering emissions from agricultural sector as one of the challenges to be addressed globally.  Adaptation finance is one of the key problems in negotiations. At the CMP plenary on 13 November,  the Secretariat informed about dire consequences of low carbon prices on the low flows to the Adaptation Fund. Several projects remain in the pipeline, as there is no money to finance their implementation. Adaptation is currently financed from the share of proceeds on the issuance of the certified emission reductions generated by CDM projects, deducted by the CDM Executive Board prior to issuance of CERs to registered projects each year.  The Share of Proceeds or adaptation was set by COP.17 at the level of 2% and developing countries are advocating extending share of proceeds to other flexible mechanisms in order to strengthen the Adaptation Fund. Several developed countries are supporting adaptation in developing countries bilaterally. The EU and its Member States are the biggest aid donor to Developing Countries and a leading provider of climate finance, providing support to both mitigation and adaptation projects in developing countries.