Clima East Expert Facility

Expert Facility Assignments – Find out how Clima East is supporting organisations around the region

The Expert Facility supports applicants with concrete tasks as they develop and implement effective climate policy.

The activites under implementation are listed below:


Clima East Expert Facility Assignments


Ref. number

Full Title




Completed Assignments




Support in preparation of the full package of necessary documents for accreditation of EPIU by the Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund as a National Implementing Entity (NIE)

Environmental project implementation unit (EPIU)

The project aims to assist the EPIU in preparing for an application for accreditation as a National Implementing Entity under the Adaptation Fund. Accreditation will allow building national capacity for implementation of adaptation projects funded from the Adaptation Fund or other relevant climate funds. The ultimate objective is to assist in implementation of national adaptation measures and reduction of adverse impacts of climate change on communities and ecosystems.



Assistance in national ecosystem based adaptation Concept and National Adaptation Action Plan of RA

Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia

The Applicant, as the agency responsible for elaboration of the NAP, was provided with technical assistance from international expert in analysing all available information from studies, including 3rd National Communication of Armenia under UNFCCC, and consultations with key ministries and stakeholders; and based on the results af this analysis and best available practices of NAPs and using the guidelines for NAPs, to elaborate recommendations on content and structure of ecosystem-based adaptation concept and National Adaptation Plan.


Assignments Under Implementation




Assistance in using modelling tool(s) for climate change vulnerability and impact assessment

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource Protection of Georgia National Department for Hydrometeorology Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan

The assignment aims to identify the proper modelling tool(s) for Climate Change vulnerability assessment of priority sector, – agriculture, – in combination with the related aspects of water resources and agriculture-relevant natural disasters, and train the relevant sectoral and CC staff in using the tool(s) for vulnerability assessment of the sector in order to create the basis for elaboration of proper measures for the NAP (AZ) and the NAPA (GE)




Support to preparation of intended nationally determined contribution to 2015 Agreement of the Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia

The assignment aims to provide expert assistance to the process of elaboration of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the Republic of Armenia to the future International Climate Change Agreement for selected sectors with high mitigation potential. The support provided will provide input to draft the economy-wide mitigation chapter of Armenia’s INDC, providing placeholders for other planned INDC components, if so decided by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.


Azerbaijan(see also multi-country projects)


Support to preparation of selected mitigation components of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to 2015 Agreement of Azerbaijan

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan

The assignment is to provide draft sectoral INDC mitigation components in the selected sectors for the period of 2020 – 2030 and their aggregation, including the GEF-UNDP project covered sectors, in the form of draft INDC proposal for the Government.




Development of National Strategy for Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change in the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection

The project is to assist the Applicant to prepare the Strategy on Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change by supporting national coordination and mainstreaming activities on climate policy and climate security, providing access to information and best practices of the EU and EU MS in this field and developing a draft concept for the strategy.



Support for the preparation of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to be inscribed in the new international agreement

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection

The assignment provides expert assistance to Belarus Government and its authorized bodies (agencies) with regard to elaboration of Belarus INDC with the focus on (a) selected sectors which constitute material part of the overall Belarus GHG emissions and have high mitigation potential, and (b) policy and measures that have to be put in place to achieve the intended GHG emissions reduction. It is essential to ensure that deliverables in sectors and subsectors selected for this project inform the mitigation component of the INDC put together by MNREP for governmental decision making.


Georgia (see also multi-country projects)


Assistance in the assessment of adaptation benefits and mitigation potentials of afforestation of degraded lands in Georgia

National Forestry Agency under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource Protection of Georgia

The assignment aims at to identify the proper species for the afforestation of degraded lands and the GHG emission reduction potential of such a measure. These estimates will be considered for identification of INDC nationwide.



International Expert assistance for Developing the Industry Section of the Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) in Georgia for non-energy GHG mitigation

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

The assignment aims at providing a review of the non-energy GHG inventory and Business-as-Usual (BAU) emissions projection for 4 industrial processes as well as assisting the Industry sub-working groups (SWG) of Georgia’s LEDS project to select optimal non-energy GHG emissions mitigation options and policies/programs for Georgia’s low emission mitigation strategy.




Approximation of the EU Directives from the Annex XII (Chapter 17, Climate Actions) of the Association Agreement between Republic of Moldova and European Union, in the national legislation

Ministry of Environment of Moldova

The project is helping to prepare the Moldovan administration to implement legislative and institutional changes with regard to monitoring, reporting and verification of GHG emissions covered by the emissions trading in the EU, and the monitoring of fuel quality as well as other requirements with regard to the legislative and institutional readiness to implement fuel quality provisions.




Support to preparation of intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) of Ukraine for selected sectors (industrial processes; LULUCF) and assuring the INDC’s compliance with Association Agreement provisions

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine

The assignment provides expert assistance to the process of elaboration of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Ukraine to the future International Climate Change Agreement, in line with Decision 1/CP.19 for selected sectors with high mitigation potential. The support provided is intended to complement technical assistance provided by USAID in the energy sector and by UNDP (funded by BMUB) in other sectors and will provide input to draft the economy-wide mitigation chapter of Ukraine’s Intended Nationally Appropriate Contribution (INDC) which will be prepared by UNDP. Based on this technical input, UNDP intends to aggregate the analytical work resulting from these assignments and draft the mitigation chapter of Ukraine’s INDC.



Clima East Expert Facility Assignments