
Workshop on the National Adaptation Plan of Armenia

Date: 31 August 2016
Time: Full day
Venue: Ani Plaza Hotel 19 Sayat-Nova Ave., 0001, Yerevan, Armenia


Organised & Supported by

Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia

& Clima East: Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Russia and ENP East Countries

CE-AM-NAP-2016 (5)

Adaptation to climate change and management of climate change risks is considered as a challenge for Armenia’s development. Several studies, including the Third National Communication (TNC) of Armenia under the UNFCCC , World Bank studies, and a recently published UNDP-BCPR study* all state the urgency of adaptation and call for proper consideration of adaptation in strategic planning documents and funding anticipatory measures for adaptation and risk reduction. 

Taking into account the commitment of the Ministry of Nature Protection (MNP) to develop a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) the Clima East Expert Facility has provided assistance in analysing the existing information and results of studies undertaken in the country and in elaborating recommendations for a future national adaptation plan. The support activity has resulted in recommendations  describing the results of a capacity and needs analysis regarding adaptation and also provided recommendations on how to overcome existing gaps. Furthermore, its report includes a roadmap for the NAP-process in accordance with the NAP-guidelines, a proposed NAP structure and the potential main elements for the National Adaptation Plan of Armenia. 

The workshop aims at further exploring the adaptation challenges Armenia facing and pave the way for the formulation of the NAP both in terms of the processes leading to the NAP and the formulation of its content. 

*“Mitigation of Climate Change Risks of Rural Communities through Improved Local Development Planning” UNDP – BCPR / 00075559 Project

Draft Agenda 

The Agenda is available to dowload in pdf format in English and in Armenian

Find all the pictures of the event on the Clima East project’s Facebook page! 

9:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 10:20


  • Mr. Simon Papyan, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, TBC
  • Mr. John Barker, Attaché/International Cooperation Officer, Agriculture, Rural Development, Forestry, Water, Environment and Climate Change, Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, TBC


Meeting Objectives

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Session I: The Paris Agreement and the role of adaptation within

Moderator: Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

10:20 – 10:35

The Paris Agreement – a brief analysis of key elements and the role of adaptation: Long term goal, Ambition/ratcheting-up mechanism, Transparency, accountability and compliance, Adaptation, Finance, Markets, Pre-2020 action

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project, TBC

Presentation: (in English)

10:35 – 11:05

Armenia vision of the implications of the Paris Agreement including Armenia’s INDC

  • Mr. Aram Gabrielyan, National Focal Point of UNFCCC & Secretary of the Inter-Agency Coordinating Council on Implementation of Requirements and Provisions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Presentations: (in Armenian)

11:05 – 11:25

Coffee Break

Session II: Towards the National Adaptation Plan of Armenia

Moderator: Ms. Asya Muradyan, Head of division, Climate Change and Atmosphere Protection Policy Division of Environmental Protection Policy Department, Ministry of Nature Protection (TBC)

11:25 – 12:30

Adaptation – ongoing activities and plans in the EU and Armenia with an outlook of 2030 and beyond

Key policy areas: Water resources, Agriculture, Forestry, Human Health 

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Presentation: (in English)

  • Ms Diana Harutyunyan, Climate Change Program Coordinator UNDP Armenia, Adaptation aspects of Third National Communication (TNC) of Armenia.

Presentation: (in Armenian)

  • Mr Vardan Melikyan-TNA adaptation team leader, Armenian aspects; including summary of donor support

Presentation: (in Armenian)

  • Representatives of respective ministries & agencies (Ministry of Nature Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Hayantar, National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health [ sectoral aspects] TBC

12:30 – 13:00

Q&A and Discussion

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:40

Roadmap for the NAP-process in Armenia

  • Mr. Josef Seitz, Clima East, Non-Key Expert

Presentation: (in English)

14:40 – 15:20

Proposal for Structure and Main Elements of the National Adaptation Plan of Armenia

  • Mr. Josef Seitz, Clima East, Non-Key Expert

Presentation: (in English)

15:20 – 15:40

Coffee Break

15:40 – 17:10

Moderated Q&A and Discussion

17:10 – 17:30

Conclusions & closing of the workshop

  • MNP representative (TBC) / Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project, TBC

Workshop documents

  • Preparing the National Adaptation Plan in Armenia: Final Report by Mr Josef Seitz (in English)
  • Preparing the National Adaptation Plan in Armenia: Final Report by Mr Josef Seitz (in Armenian)