
What’s next for Armenia: working together after the entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement – Extended Session of the UNFCCC Inter-Agency Council

Date: 31 January 2017
Time: Full day
Venue: Erebuni Plaza, Yerevan, Armenia

Organised & Supported by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, Clima East, UNFCCC Inter-Agency Council & UNDP Climate Change Office


Armenia signed the Paris Agreement on 20 September 2016 and the ratification package is in the agenda of upcoming session of the National Assembly to be held in February 2017.

The Action Plan on implementation of the provisions under UNFCCC approved by the Government Decision # 49 from 08 December 2016, which in-line with other targets states provision to amend the INDC and present the National Determined Contributions (NDC) document for Government adoption. The NDC document has to provide clear directions for action and ensure that the synergies between climate action and national development priorities are utilised and the Paris Agreement is implemented effectively. Therefore, active participation and collaboration is required among the national authorities and stakeholders who are covering virtually all sectors of economy, particularly those, which produce significant emissions of greenhouse gases, and those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

The conference’s purpose was to enhance common understanding of the opportunities and the challenges that the implementation of the Paris Agreement creates for Armenia’s economy and society among relevant stakeholders. In particular, the conference addressed the options for coordinating sectoral policies and measures and ensuring that they bring national development on a low-emission and climate-resilient pathway.

Pictures: Clima East

See other the pictures of the event on the EU Delegation in Armenia’s Facebook Page



Download the agenda: (in English) (in Armenian)


Registration and welcome coffee


Opening of the Extended Session of the Inter-Agency Council on UNFCCC implementation

  • Mr. Artsvik Minasyan, Minister of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, Chair of the Inter-Agency Council on UNFCCC implementation

Welcome statements

  • Mr. Piotr Antoni Świtalski, Head of Delegation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Delegation of the European Union to Armenia
  • UNDP Armenia Representative
  • Mr. Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit of International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate – General for Climate Action, European Commission
  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Presentation: (in English)

Session 1: From Paris to Marrakesh and beyond

(for UNFCCC Inter-Agency Council members)

Chaired by Mr. Artsvik Minasyan Minister of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia


What is next in the post-Paris world: implementation key provisions and the regime of activities before 2020 & what roles the EEG plays in global efforts

  • Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, Clima East expert

Presentation: (in English)


Overview of the EU Neighbourhood Policy and EaP Ministerial Declaration on cooperation on environment and climate change in the light of the implementation of Paris Agreement

  • Mr. Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit of International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate – General for Climate Action, European Commission

Presentation: (in English)


The Paris Agreement and the EU

  • Ms. Marzena Chodor, Clima East Key Expert

Presentation: (in English)


Armenia’s position on the mechanisms for carrying out the Paris Agreement provisions and meeting the obligations. Development of the INDC provisions into NDC

  • Mr. Aram Gabrielyan, National Focal Point of UNFCCC

Presentation: (in Armenian)


Armenia’s Energy strategy in the context of the INDC

  • Mr. Hayk Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources, Focal point for E5P


Discussion and interview period (selected ministerial staff and CE Team available for the press)




Session 2: Turning vision into action in Armenia

(for UNFCCC Inter-Agency Working Group Members)

Moderator: Mr. Patrick Gray, Clima East Advisor on Strategic Development


Clima East Regional Project outcomes with relevance for Armenia

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Presentation: (in English)


Clima East Pilots Project Activities relevant to the NDC

  • Mr. Aram Ter-Zakaryan, Clima East Pilots Project Manager, Armenia

Presentation: (in English)

Remote Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Ecosystems

  • Dr Vahagn Muradyan

Presentation (I): (in English)

Presentation (II): (in English)


UNDP project activities relevant to the NDC, including MRV aspects

  • Ms. Diana Harutyunyan, Climate Change Program Coordinator, UNDP Armenia

Presentation: (in Armenian)


Implementation of EC “Covenant of Mayors” Initiative in Armenia

  • Mr. Artyom Kharazyan, Senior expert, EU Covenant of Mayors Project

Presentation: (in Armenian)


Habitat for Armenia Programme Activities relevant to the NDC

  • Mr. Sergey Arzumanyan, Habitat for Armenia Programme

Presentation: (in Armenian)


Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) – the UNDP-DTU project and its interrelationship with the NDC

  • Mr. Vardan Melikyan, TNA Adaptation Team Leader

Presentation: (in Armenian)

  • Mr. Tigran Sekoyan, TNA Mitigation Team Leader

Presentation: (in Armenian)


Q&A and Discussion


Coffee break


Session 3: Supporting implementation of Paris Agreement

(for UNFCCC Inter-Agency Working Group Members)

Moderator: Ms Marzena Chodor, Clima East Key Expert, TBC


Climate change: education, training and public awareness. How to improve communication and outreach

  • Mr. Patrick Gray, Clima East Advisor on Strategic Development
  • Introduction by representative of Climate Forum East II project


Development of the INDC provisions into the NDC, the necessity of deepening the inter-agency cooperation, EU’s experience



Conclusions and closure

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

18:00 –19:30

Networking reception