
Working together on implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in Georgia

Date: 2 February 2017
Time: Full day
Venue: Rooms Hotel Tbilisi, 14 Kostava, Tbilisi, 0108

Workshop organized and provided under the support of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and Clima East Project “Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Russia”

The Paris Agreement sets out a global action plan to keep global temperature rise this century well below 2°C and to drive efforts to limit the increase even further to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The agreement also aims to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change. The objectives of the Paris Agreement are in line with Georgia’s national development priorities such as energy efficiency improvement, energy security, food production security and others.

The NDC and its implementing measure will provide clear directions for action and ensure that the synergies between climate action and national development priorities are utilised and the Paris Agreement is implemented effectively. Therefore, active participation and collaboration is required among the national authorities and stakeholders who are covering virtually all sectors of economy, particularly those, which produce significant emissions of greenhouse gases, and those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

The conference plans to reach governmental authorities and other stakeholders (business community, civil society and academia) with the purpose to enhance their common understanding of the opportunities and the challenges that the implementation of the Paris Agreement creates for our economy and society. In particular, the conference will discuss the options for coordinating sectoral policies and measures and ensuring that they bring national development on a low-emission and climate-resilient pathway.



Download the agenda here in English or in Georgian. 


Registration and welcome coffee


Opening of the round table. Keynote statements

  • Mr Carlo Natale, Minister – Deputy Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to Georgia
  • Mr Gizo Chelidze, Head of Integrated Manegement of environment department, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia,
  • Mr Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit international and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate – General for Climate Action, European Commission
  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Session 1: From Paris to Marrakesh and beyond

Moderator: Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project


What is next in the post-Paris world 

  • Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, Clima East Expert

Presentation: (in English)


Overview of the EU Neighbourhood Policy and EaP Ministerial Declaration on cooperation on environment and climate change in the light of the implementation of Paris Agreement

  • Mr Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit international and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate – General for Climate Action, European Commission

Presentation: (in English)


Marrakesh COP: results and perspectives 

  • Ms. Marzena Chodor, Clima East Key Expert

Presentation: (in English)

Q&A and Discussion


Georgia vision of the implications of the Paris Agreement including Georgia’s INDC 

  • Mr Grigol Lazrievi, National Focal Point of UNFCCC, Head of Climate Change Division, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia

Presentation: (in Georgian)

Q&A and Discussion


Coffee, interview period (selected ministerial staff and CE Team available for the press)


Session 2: Turning vision into action in Georgia

Moderator: Mr Grigol Lazrievi, Head of the Climate Change Division, MENRP, UNFCCC Focal Point in Georgia


European Union climate action in the 2030 framework and 2050 Roadmap

  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Presentation: (in English)


Georgia’s main strategic approaches and instruments for implementation of Paris Agreement 

  • Mr. Grigol Lazrievi, Head of the Climate Change Division, MENRP, UNFCCC Focal Point in Georgia

12:30 -12:50

LEDS of Georgia: Project components, current status and recommendations for NDC

  • Ms. Inga Phkhaladze, Winrock Georgia
  • Ms. Anna Sikharulidze, Remissia

Presentation I: (in Georgian)

Presentation II: (in English)


NAMA projects for sustainable energy in rural areas and in buildings

  • Ms. Rusudan Simonidze, Co-director, NGO ‘Greens of Georgia – Friends of the Earth’

Presentation: (in Georgian)

  • Ms. Marina Shvangiradze, Director, NGO ‘Remissia’

Presentation: (in English) (in Georgian)


Adapting to climate change: the example of Kolkheti Lowland under changing climate – It’s time to ‘irrigate’ wetlands

  • Mr. Mamuka Gvilava ICZM National Focal Point for Georgia
  • Ms. Izolda Matchitadze, Batumi State University

Presentation: (in English)

Promoting Smart-Agriculture in Georgia

  • CENN

Presentation: (in Georgian)


Q&A and Discussion of session 2.




Session 3: Opportunities and Challenges for Sectoral Policies and Measures

Moderator: Mr. Patrick Gray, Clima East Advisor on Strategic Development

15:00 -17:00

Presentations up to 15 minutes including Q&A

  • Energy

More renewables and improved energy efficiency: Energy policy in Georgia

Ms. Marita Arabidze, Head, Division of Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Sources, Ministry of Energy

Presentation: (in English)

Sub-national actors: role of cities and Covenant of Mayors in the implementation of the Paris Agreement

Mr. Giorgi Abulashvili, Coordinator of COMO East II in Georgia & Head of Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia 

Presentation: (in English)

  • Industry

Energy-  and technology-related GHG mitigation from industry in Georgia

Ms. Anna Sikharulidze, NGO ’Remissia’. 

Presentation: (in English)

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use

Forestry sector in the INDC: forestry policy in Georgia. 

Mr. Karlo Amirgulashvil, Head of Forestry Policy Division (MENRP)

Afforestation of degraded lands.

Ms. Natia Iordasnishvili, Head, National Forestry Agency

Clima East Pilot project: addressing pasture management challenges

Mr. Tornike Phulariani, UNDP 

Presentation: (in Georgian)

  • Waste

Georgia’s policy in Waste

Ms. Irma Gurguliani, Head, Division of waste and chemical substances management, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia

Presentation: (in Georgian)

Waste Management Technologies in the Regions of Georgia

Ms. Nino Shavgulidze, Chief of Party, Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Presentation: (in Georgian)

  • Building (construction) sector

SUDEP in Georgia: Project of Insulation of a kindergarten

Ms. Karina Melikidze, Project manager


Coffee break


Session 4: Supporting implementation of Paris Agreement

Moderator: Ms Medea Inashvili, Key Expert, Clima East Project


NDC finalisation and implementation challenges

  • Discussion moderated by Mr Irakli Samkharadze, National Key Advisor

BMUB “Information Matters “& “EaP EU Association Climate Project” , GIZ; and Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader   

Presentation: (in English)


Climate change: education, training and public awareness. How to improve communication and outreach

  • Moderator and Key Speaker: Mr. Patrick Gray, Clima East Advisor on Strategic Development

Introduction by Ms Ina Girard, Sub-regional coordinator, Caucasus, Climate Forum East II (in English)

Q&A and Discussion


Conclusions and closure

  • Mr. Grigol Lazrievi, Head of the Climate Change Division, MENRP, UNFCCC Focal Point in Georgia
  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project


Networking reception