
Monitoring – Reporting – Verification (MRV) of GHGs and Air Quality pollutants

Date: 27 July 2016
Time: Full day
Venue: Minsk, Belarus

Organised & Supported by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus & Clima East: Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Russia and ENP East Countries & Technical Assistance to Support the Development of Green Economy in Belarus.

Belarus is in the process of developing a system for the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for greenhouse gas emissions for large emitters in line with its obligations under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. These enterprises not only release GHGs, but also a range of air quality (AQ) pollutants. Some countries have MRV systems which jointly consider GHGs and AQ pollutants. The purpose of this meeting is for the national government and other stakeholders to exchange views on the design of its MRV systems in line with the Paris Agreement implementation plans of Belarus. The Clima East representatives – experts of the project and its Expert Facility - will provide assessment and insights about MRV system design options applicable for Belarus.


The agenda is available to download in English and in Russian. 

Find more pictures on our Facebook page!

ClimaEastMRVworkshopMinsk2016 (3)


8:30– 9:00


9:00 – 9:40


  • Mr. I.M. Kachanovskiy, Deputy Minister, UNFCCC Focal Point, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus,
  • Mr Philippe Bernhard, Programme manager – Environment, Delegation of the European Union to Belarus TBC
  • Dr Roman Krajčovič, Team Leader, Support the Development of Green Economy in Belarus Project

Presentation (in English)

  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

9:40 – 10:20

MRV systems – a high level summary and analysis

  • Mr John Watterson, Ricardo & Clima East Expert Facility, and Ms Sina Wartmann

Presentation (in English)

Q&A and Discussion

10:20 – 10:40


Belarus current status and plans on environmental monitoring systems and the integration of GHG and air pollutants monitoring and reporting

  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Presentation (in Russian)

10:40 – 11.00

Industry view on the feasibility of GHG MRV and integrated MRV system(s)

  • Industrial Association / Chamber of Commerce

Q&A and Discussion

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:30

What are the international reporting requirements now and in the near future for GHGs?

  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project

Presentation (in English)

  • Mr Mikhail Kozeltsev, Key Expert, Clima East Project

Q&A and Discussion


What are the international reporting requirements now and in the near future for Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LTRAP)?

  • Mr Anthony Tonchevski, Key Expert of the Support the Development of Green Economy in Belarus Project

Presentation (in English)

Q&A and Discussion

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:00



Recommendations emerging from the “Development of a MRV system on greenhouse gas emissions for the major enterprises of the Republic of Belarus (CEEF2014-006-BL) project & comments by sectoral ministries

  • Mr Ivan Filiutsich, national expert, Clima East Expert Facility  
  • Mr John Watterson, Ricardo & Clima East Expert Facility
  • Sectoral ministry technical experts (energy/ industry/ agriculture)

14:00 – 15:30


Breakout groups


  • Sectoral ministry technical experts (energy/ industry/ agriculture)
  • Mr John Watterson, Ricardo & Clima East Expert Facility
  • Mr. Mikhail Kozeltsev, Clima East Key Expert
  • Dr Alexander Grebenkov, UNDP, Belarus
  • Mr Ivan Filiutich, national expert, Clima East Expert Facility

 Discussions sessions resulting in:

  • A suggestion whether a combined MRV system for GHGs and AQ might be beneficial for Belarus
  • identification of institutions to be potentially involved in MRV system(s) for GHG and AQ pollutants,
  • a capacity building plan and
  • next steps towards the set-up of MRV systems for GHGs and AQ pollutants

Discussion and Q&A

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:00

Breakout groups reporting back to Plenary session

17:00 – 17:15

Conclusions & closing of the workshop

  • Mr. Sergey Zavyalov, Head of Air Quality and Water Resources Department, Ministry of Environment of Belarus
  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project
  • Dr Roman Krajčovič, Team Leader, Support the Development of Green Economy in Belarus Project

Workshop documents

  • Brochure (1): (in Russian)
  • Brochure (2): (in Russian)