
Implementing the Paris Agreement: Belarus NDC challenges from MRV to sectoral actions. The case of large emitters and land use/forestry and bioenergy

Date: 6-7 April 2017
Time: 1.5 days
Venue: Republican Centre for Post-Education of top managers and specialists, Minsk 20037, 1st Mendeleev Lane 50, building 4, First Floor. (Metro Station Academy of Science)

Organized and provided under the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus & Clima East


The draft agenda can be downloaded in English and in Russian

Day 1: Thursday 6 April 2017

MRV & sectoral actions


Registration and welcome coffee


Opening of the Workshop. Keynote statements

  • Igor Kachanovskiy, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus TBC
  • Mr Philippe Bernhard, EU Delegation to Belarus TBC
  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader

Session 1: Paris Agreement implementation status

Moderator: Mr. Sergey Zavyalov, Head of the Department of Atmospheric Air and Water Resources Impact Regulation at the MNREP (TBC) 


Paris Agreement: progress and perspectives from the EU, G20 and EaP

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader

Presentation: (in English)

Questions and answers 


Belarus Action Plan for the implementation of the Paris Agreement 

  • Mr. Andrei Pilipchyuk, Head of the Division in the Department of impact regulation on atmosphere and ozone layer at the MNREP

Questions and answers


Panel discussion:

MRV and GHG inventorising : how to use monitoring/measuring of GHGs for improving the policy environment and preliminary recommendations for large emitter MRV system in Belarus

Presentation: (in Russian)

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel Clima East Team Leader
  • Ms Eugenia Bertosh, Clima East Expert Facility expert
  • Sergey Melnov. Director  BEL Research Centre “Ecology”
  • Olga Vavilonskaya, BEL Research Centre :Ecology” 

13.30 – 14.30


Session 2: Legal Policies and Measures

Moderator: Mr. Mikhail Kozeltsev, Clima East key expert 

14:30 – 15:15

European Union and Member State current legislation and normative acts for implementation of Paris Agreement (combining best EU cases with MS sectoral approaches)

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader

Presentation (in English)

Questions and answers

15:15 – 16:30

Inventory of the major legal and normative obstacles for implementation of provisions of Paris Agreement in Belarus: what has been achieved and was is left.

Work of two groups:

Group 1: Governmental national officials, researchers, NGOs and representatives from academia discuss and jointly develop a sequence of actions in legal and normative regulation on a national level (moderators – key expert Mikhail Kozeltsev from CE and a local legal expert).

Group 2: representatives from the regions, business sector, researchers discuss the ways for transforming national legislation update into local normative acts and implementation mechanisms.


Presentation of results. Questions and Answers. Discussion. Summary and Conclusions. Closing the first day of workshop


Networking Coffee at the venue



Day 2: Friday 7 April 2017

LULUCF and bioenergy 


Registration of participants and welcome coffee

Session 3:  LULUCF and bioenergy: how the Paris Agreement could boost climate action in these sectors

Moderator:  Mr. Andrei Pilipchyuk, Head of the Division in the Department of impact regulation on atmosphere and ozone layer at the MNREP


Overview of LULUCF and bioenergy aspects of Paris Agreement implementation in the EU

  • Mr. Zsolt Lengyel Clima East Team Leader

Presentation: (in English)

Questions and answers, discussion


LULUCF: Increasing the carbon sink capacity of Belarus 

  • Victoria Konkova, Researcher of the Department of International Projects Rue “Bel SRC “Ecology” 

Presentation: (in Russian)

Questions and answers, discussion


Optimizing biofuels/biomass use in the energy mix for various end use purposes – EU examples

  • Pat Howes, Clima East expert 

Presentation: (in English) (in Russian)

Questions and answers, discussion


Bioenergy: EU case studies, technical bioenergy potential and options for Belarus

  • Olga Vavilonskaya, BEL Research Centre: Ecology” 

Presentation: (in Russian)

Questions and answers, discussion


Assessment of water-resource (hydropower) potential of medium and small rivers in Belarus. Forming a catalog of perspective sites for the installation of facilities for the use of hydropower potential of medium and small rivers for inclusion in the database of the state inventory of RES

  • Lubov Hertman, Senior Researcher in the department of water monitoring and cadastre of Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources

Presentation: (in Russian)

Questions and answers, discussion


Discussion with involvement of representatives of sectoral ministries and regional participants


Summary, evaluation and Closing the workshop


Networking Coffee at the venue