
International climate change negotiation workshop

Date: 25 - 26 June 2015
Time: 2 full days
Venue: Riga, Latvia

The participants of the workshop presented their countries’ positions for the 2015 Agreement and focused on the planned Intended Nationally Determined Contributions which countries are preparing in line with decisions adopted by the COP in Warsaw (2013) and in Lima (2014). This event enabled the participants to get updates about domestic preparations to INDCs of those among EaP countries that have not yet submitted by then their INDCs to the UNFCCC Secretariat. They also learned more about domestic preparations to INDCs worldwide and discussed submissions provided to the UNFCCC Secretariat by mid-June 2015.

The workshop consisted of a first day focusing on the exchange between EU and EaP countries. The second day was mainly used as an opportunity for an exchange on technical aspects of the INDC preparations.

This event is part of a regular series of events, started in October 29-31 2013 in Vilnius, designed to support Partner countries in their preparation for COP, as described in the 2015 countries’ workplans. It was organised in coordination with the Latvian government, which has expressed a special interest in maintaining close cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries in the context of its EU Presidency. 



Venue: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, Room 409, Peldu 25, Riga

The agenda is available in PDF Format (in English), as well as the List of Participants


DAY 1 – Thursday 25 June






Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project


Welcome and Introduction

Ms Ilze Prüse, Director of the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia

Mr Dimitrios Zevgolis, Unit International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Session 1:

State of play of UNFCCC negotiations and prospects

Chair: Dr Marzena Chodor, Key expert in UNFCC negotiations and emissions trading, Clima East Project


Situation in UNFCCC negotiations as of June 2015  and a road ahead

Ms Ilze Prüse, Director of the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia

Presentation: (in English)


-       Q&A and Discussion


Vision on Paris COP outcome

Mr Dimitrios Zevgolis, Unit International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Presentation: (in English)


-       Q&A and Discussion


Coffee/Tea Break

Session 2:

Overview of INDC submissions to the UNFCCC

Chair: Presidency, Ms Ilze Prüse, Director of the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia.



Mr Dimitrios Zevgolis, Unit International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Presentation: (in English)









Presentation of other submitted INDCs and Next Steps

Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project 

Presentation: (in English)

Lessons learnt and best practices from UNDP INDC and LEDS support initiatives

Ms Daniela Carrington, Climate Change Policy Advisor, UNDP

Presentation: (in English)

Lessons learnt and best practices from Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) initiatives

Mr Chris Dodwell, Director, International Projects & Business Development, Ricardo-AEA

Presentation: (in English)


 - Q&A and Discussion 


What science tells us about global emission pathways and the below 2°C target  and how to assess INDC submissions against what has to be done in order to avert dangerous climate change

Michel den Elzen, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Department of Climate, Air and Energy, Senior Researcher Climate policy analyst, (presenting via videoconferencing)

Presentation: (in English)


-       Q&A and Discussion


Lunch Break

Session 3:      Discussion on domestic preparations of the INDC in EaP countries

                        Chair: Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project


Presentation of Ukraine (and Q&A) (in English)


Presentation of Moldova (and Q&A) (in English)


Presentation of Georgia (and Q&A) (in English)


Presentation of Belarus (and Q&A) (in English)


Presentation of Azerbaijan (and Q&A) (in English)


Presentation of Armenia (and Q&A) (in Russian)


Coffee/Tea Break


Roundtable discussion: how countries can contribute to an agreement applicable to all and leading to the achievement of the goal to limit the rise of global temperature to 2 degrees Celsius by end of this century.

Fairness and equity considerations, applied methods. 


Moderator:Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Team Leader, Clima East Project


Outline of the programme for day 2


Dinner, in Jürmala on the Baltic Sea cost, bus departure from hotel at 19.00


DAY 2 – Friday 26 June


Session 5:

Elements of the Paris Agreement

Chair: Dr Marzena Chodor, Key expert in UNFCCC negotiations and emissions trading, Clima East Project


ACT2015 project findings

Ms Liz Gallagher, E3G (presenting via videoconferencing)

Presentation: (in English)


-       Q&A and Discussion


Key Elements of 2015 Agreement

Dr Marzena Chodor, Key expert, Clima East Project

Presentation: (in English)


-       Q&A and Discussion


Breakout sessions on EaP countries’ views on key elements of the Agreement:

  1. mitigation tbc.
  2. adaptation tbc.
  3. means of implementation tbc.

Moderated by Latvian, French, DG Clima and Clima East experts


Plenary presentations of breakout sessions results & closing of Clima East workshop


Lunch Break


Closed session: EaP countries – Latvian Presidency & Commission (DG CLIMA) in Room 201.

More pictures are available on our Facebook page!

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