
Clima East closing event

Date: 25-26 April 2017
Time: 2 full days
Venue: Park Inn Hotel Brussels Airport, Diegem

The EU-funded Clima East policy project, which provides support to the Eastern Neighbour countries to be better prepared to deal with climate change impacts, organised a closing conference in Brussels attended by representatives from the ministries of environment, ecology and nature protection of the six partner countries as well as representatives of the European Commission.

For more information on the Clima East Policy Project please download a brochure with an overview of results here.

The Press release is available to download here.


(in English) (in Russian)

Day 1 – 25 April 2017






Welcome and Opening remarks

  • Ms Bella Nestorova, Head of sector Connectivity, Energy, Environment Regional programmes Neighbourhood East, DG NEAR
  • Mr Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, International and Inter-Institutional Affairs, DG CLIMA


Tour de Table – Introductions


Clima East Results – an overview

An analytical review of results across the programme, from regional and national activities, including Expert Facility support. 

What has been achieved against our four key results?

  • Improving dialogue between Partner Countries and the European Union
  • Improved national climate policies and engagement with international processes (especially UNFCCC)
  • Improved modelling and vulnerability assessment for climate policy
  • Improved Monitoring, Reporting and Verification capacity

Lead by Clima East Policy Project Key Expert Team and DAI.


Clima East Results – Country perspectives

Partner countries present results from their perspectives, focusing on key achievements.  (10 minutes per country, Q&A)

What has been achieved against our four key results?

  • Improving dialogue between Partner Countries and the European Union
  • Improved national climate policies and engagement with international processes (especially UNFCCC)
  • Improved modelling and vulnerability assessment for climate policy
  • Improved Monitoring, Reporting and Verification capacity

Lead by Partner Country Delegations


Coffee break


Clima East Results – Country perspectives (continued)




Paris Agreement – Results achieved and future cooperation

  • Recap on activities and key discussions emerging under Clima East

Ms Marzena Chodor, Clima East key expert (15 mins)

  • EU support to EaP countries relevant for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and their NDCs; overview of EaP financial instruments and the challenges of increasing, absorbing and mainstreaming climate relevant funding (15 mins)

Mr Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit international and Inter-Institutional Affairs, DG CLIMA

  • Overcoming challenges of implementing NDCs – setting climate action within wider development objectives and the SDG (Sustainable development goals) context (15 mins)

Mr Jonathan Perks, Ricardo Energy & Environment

Plenary discussion on how to overcome challenges for implementation of the Paris Agreement at national level


Coffee break


Way forward and outlook for future collaboration – Climate Action in Eastern Partnership countries: priorities for future support

  • Ms Bella Nestorova, Head of Sector– Connectivity, Energy, Environment, Unit C/2 – Regional Programmes Neighbourhood East, DG NEAR

Plenary discussion on Climate Action Priorities for the Eastern Partnership countries


Synthesis of discussions and wrap-up


Dinner in Leuven

Ulysses Restaurant (Leuven institute for Ireland in Europe), Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven


Day 2 – 26 April 2017







Welcome and Opening remarks

  • Mr Niels Schuster, Policy Officer, Unit international and Inter-Institutional Affairs, DG CLIMA

Recap of key emerging questions from plenary discussions on first day

  • Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader and Key expert


Breakout sessions on key PA issues

  • NDC finalisation and implementations challenges

Moderator: Ms Medea Inashvili, Clima East Key Expert

  • Transparency Framework

Moderator:  Mr Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader and Key expert

  • Means of Implementation (finance, capacity building, technology transfer) & Sustainable Development Mechanism

Moderator: Ms Marzena Chodor, Clima East Key Expert


Coffee break


Feedback from breakout sessions from Session Facilitator

Tour de table on key observations


Closing comments

  • Ms Elina Bardram, Head of Unit: 1. International and Inter-institutional Relations: Dir A — International and Mainstreaming; DG CLIMA


