
3rd INDC Work Group meeting and Agriculture & Waste sectorial Workshop

Date: 22-23 January 2015
Time: 2 Full Days
Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan

Clima East Policy Project organised a one-day workshop on the INDC aspects of waste and agriculture as part of the ongoing support on “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions” preparations on 22 January 2015 in Baku. This event was the last in the series of events focusing on various key sectors of the INDC. It was organised back-to-back (23 January) with the 3rd meeting of the inter-ministerial “INDC Working Group” which has been mandated by the Council of Ministers to prepare the INDC of Azerbaijan. The INDC WG meeting covers all sectors and their progress on the INDC draft preparation.

The events are part of the broader Southern Caucasus regional support in which the national, sectoral activities (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) will be supported by regional Clima East workshops/consultations scheduled for 2015.

The purpose of the workshop wass to improve knowledge on the topic of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), how this concept is understood, likely outcomes, as well as upfront Information on INDCs (type of expected information, discussion of the draft decision), cycle of commitments/contributions under 2015 Agreement and its implications for countries submitting INDCs.


A version of the agenda in Azerbaijani language is also available.

DAY 1: Agriculture as part of INDC and 2015 Agreement. Overview of agriculture and waste sector related policies, INDC preparation status (click to expand)

DAY 1: Agriculture as part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and 2015 Agreement. Overview of agriculture and waste sector related policies, INDC preparation status. 

10:00 – 10:20

     Welcome and introduction to the workshop.

     Mr Olaf Heidelbach, European Union Delegation to Azerbaijan

     Mr. Gulmali Suleymanov, Director of Climate Change and Ozone Center        within National Hydrometereological Department, Ministry of Ecology and      Natural Resources

     Mr. Issa Aliyev, UNFCCC Focal Point,

     Chairs, Mr. Issa Aliyev, Mr. Zsolt Lengyel, Clima East Team Leader

10:20 – 10:40

     The outcome of the previous INDC workshops in Baku

     Mr. Issa Aliyev 

     Presentation (in Azerbaijani language): Adaptation element of INDC

10:40 – 11:00

     Intended Nationally Determined Contributions in the context of the        2015 Agreement. State of Play after the Lima COP.

     Dr. Marzena Chodor, Clima East Key Expert

     Presentation: INDCs_State of play after Lima


11:00 – 11:20


     Coffee Break


11:20 – 11:35

     Adaptation element of INDC: coastal zones and INDC preparation            status

     Mr. Ramiz Mammadov, academician, director of Geographical Institute of      National Academy

     Presentation: Adaptation of coastal zones, R.Mammadov

11:35 – 12:00

     Agriculture in UNFCCC negotiations & Agricultures mitigation              potential

     Dr. Marzena Chodor & Mr Zsolt Lengyel


     Agriculture in UNFCC negotiations_MChodor

     Agriculture and waste in UNFCC negotiations_ZLengyel

12:00 – 12:15

     Agriculture in Azerbaijan: challenges and development                          perspectives.

     Mr. Ilkin Nazarov, EU Consultant on Development of Agricultural Strategy

     Presentation (in Azerbaijani language): 

     Agriculture in Azerbaijan, Ilkin Nazarov

12:15 – 12:30

     Presentation on agriculture in Azerbaijan: possible mitigation and          adaptation measures

     Mr. Fariz Aliyev (INDC working group member)  

12:30 – 13:00

     Questions and Answers moderated by Mr. Issa Aliyev


13:00 – 14:00


     Lunch break


14:00 – 14:20

     Waste management  – potential for GHG reductions and EU waste          policies

     Mr Zsolt Lengyel

     Presentation: INDCs_Agri-Waste workshop Waste Lengyel

14:20 – 14:40

     Waste management policies:  challenges and opportunities of waste      management and innovative technologies and waste to energy              projects

     Mr. Sabit Zeyniyev (INDC working group member)

     Presentation (in Azerbaijani language): 

     Mitigation in waste sector, S.Zeyniyev

14:40 – 15:00

     Questions and Answers moderated by Mr. Zsolt Lengyel

15:00 – 16:00


     Discussions: current status of preparations of INDC in the                      agricultural and waste sector of Azerbaijan

     Moderators: Mr. Issa Aliyev, Mr. Zsolt Lengyel


16:00 – 16:20

     Coffee Break


16:20 – 16:50

     Discussions: Challenges and any need for support for INDC                  preparation in the agricultural and waste sector

     Moderators: Mr. Issa Aliyev, Ms. Marzena Chodor

16:50 – 17:00

     Summary of Day 1 and overview of programme for Day 2

     Mr. Zsolt Lengyel


DAY 2: INDC preparation process: status of achievements - INDC Working Group 3rd meeting (click to expand)

DAY 2: INDC preparation process: status of achievements  - INDC Working Group 3rd meeting


     Registration and coffee

10:00 – 10:15

     Presentation of the outcome of day 1 and introduction to day 2: 

     Mr. Issa Aliyev and Dr. Marzena Chodor

10:15 – 10:40

     Current status in INDC preparation process and expectations from        INDC working group members

     Mr. Issa Aliyev

10:40 – 11:00

     Q&A session


11:00 – 11:20

     Coffee Break


11:20 – 11:45

     Introduction to Adaptation element of INDC: adaptation options in          different sectors of Azerbaijan  

     Mr. Issa Aliyev

11:45 – 11:55

     Q&A session

11:55 – 12:35

     Adaptation element of INDC and INDC preparation status in other            sectors

     Mr.Khayyam Ragimov – National Academy of Sciences

     Mr. Rafig Zeynalov (Ministry of Health)

     Mr. Ilkin Gangarli (Ministry of Emergency Cases)

     Mr. Teymur Osmanov (Amelioration and Water Farms OSC)

     Mr. Rashail Ismayilov (Azersu OSC)

     - Presentation: Adaptation in water sector, R.Ismayilov 

12:35 – 13:00

     Q&A session



13:00 – 14:00

     Lunch break



14:00 – 14:50

     Mitigation element of INDC, Energy sector: INDC preparation status

     Mr. Nicat Allahverdiyev (Azernerji OSC)

     Mr. Racab Mammadov (ABEMDA)

     Mr. Anar Mammadov (Ministry of Transport)

     - Presentation (in Azerbaijani language): Mitigation options in transport               sector

     Ms. Nuregiz Ferecullayeva (Ministry of Energy)

     Ms. Rena Humbatova (SOCAR)

     - Presentation (in Azerbaijani language): Mitigation in oil gas sector,                  R.Humbatova

14:50 – 15:00

     Mitigation element of INDC: industry and commercial/residential            sector, INDC preparation status

     Mr. Qorhmaz Sadigov – State Committee on Urban Planning and                      Architecture 

15:00 – 15:30

     Mitigation element of INDC: waster sector, agriculture and forestry –      INDC preparation status

     Mr. Sabig Zeyniyev (Ministry of Economy and Industry)

     Mr. Fariz Aliyev (Ministry of Agriculture)

     Mr. Rahim Ibrahimov (Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Forest          Development Division) 

15:30 – 15:40

     Discussion and question/answer session

     Facilitators: Mr. Issa Aliyev, Dr. Marzena Chodor

15:40 – 15:55

     Summary of discussions: INDC document  where are we?

     Mr. Issa Aliyev

15:55 – 16:00

     Summary of next steps.

     Mr. Issa Aliyev, Mr. Zsolt Lengyel