
Development of the national climate change adaptation policy concept for agriculture in Ukraine

Date: 28 April 2017
Time: 15:30-18:00
Venue: Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, 24, Khreschatyk Street, Kyiv, Ukraine

This event brought Ukrainian stakeholders together to discuss options and approaches for national overarching policy to guide and foster adaptation in the agricultural sector in the country, in recognition both of the great significance of climate change for the sector and the significance of the sector itself for Ukraine and… Read more »

Clima East closing event

Date: 25-26 April 2017
Time: 2 full days
Venue: Park Inn Hotel Brussels Airport, Diegem

The EU-funded Clima East policy project, which provides support to the Eastern Neighbour countries to be better prepared to deal with climate change impacts, organised a closing conference in Brussels attended by representatives from the ministries of environment, ecology and nature protection of the six partner countries as well as… Read more »

Round table: Support to development of a national strategy for adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the Republic of Belarus

Date: 21 April 2017
Time: Full day
Venue: Hotel Victoria, Minsk, Belarus

Organized and provided under the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus and Clima East Project “Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Russia”
The agenda is available to download in English and in Russian

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Establishment of the Competent Authority for GHG Emissions Trading in Ukraine

Date: 10 April 2017
Time: 9:30 - 13:30
Venue: Aarhus centre of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine

This meeting was organised to conclude the implementation of the Clima East expert facility assignment CEEF2016-085-UA on an ‘Assistance for the establishment of the Competent Authority for greenhouse gas Emission Trading Scheme in Ukraine’. 

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Implementing the Paris Agreement: Belarus NDC challenges from MRV to sectoral actions. The case of large emitters and land use/forestry and bioenergy

Date: 6-7 April 2017
Time: 1.5 days
Venue: Republican Centre for Post-Education of top managers and specialists, Minsk 20037, 1st Mendeleev Lane 50, building 4, First Floor. (Metro Station Academy of Science)

Organized and provided under the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus & Clima East
The draft agenda can be downloaded in English and in Russian

Day 1: Thursday 6 April 2017
MRV & sectoral actions


Registration and welcome coffee… Read more »

Improving the national reporting of Ukraine on GHG emissions from the road transport sector

Date: 30 March 2017
Time: 9:00-14:00
Venue: Aarhus centre of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kiev

Clima East experts presented recommendations on the improvement of the national reporting of Ukraine on GHG emissions from the road transport sector. The recommendations were developed by leading experts as part of the Clima East Expert Facility assignment “Capacity building of the national GHG inventory system in terms of the… Read more »

Training on GHG Inventory and MRV of GHG emissions from industrial installations for officials and representatives of industry

Date: 27-28 March 2017
Time: 2 full days
Venue: Tbilisi, Georgia

The training aims at familiarising the participants further with the MRV system implemented in the EU in sectors covered by the emissions trading system or falling under the F-gases / ODS regulations of the EC, as part of the Clima East support to developing  MRV capacity for policies and measures… Read more »

Azerbaijan NDC Working Group meeting

Date: 21 February 2017
Time: 9:00 - 13:30
Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan

Clima East experts will participate to the next NDC working group meeting in Baku, where the current status of Azerbaijan’s NDC roadmap and sectoral planning will be discussed, among other topics. 
Click here to download the agenda in pdf version



9.30 – 09:45

Welcome and scene setting:… Read more »

Report and a Roadmap for the Approximation of Georgian law on F-gases and ODS to the EU law under the Association Agreement of Georgia – Closure event

Date: 3 February 2017
Time: 11:30-16-30
Venue: Betsy’s Hotel, 32 Makashvili st., Tbilisi, Georgia

This event presented the results of the Expert Facility assignment implemented in Georgia on a “Report and a Roadmap for the Approximation of Georgian law on F-gases and ODS to the EU law under the Association Agreement of Georgia”.
The agenda is also available in Georgian

11:30- 12:00

Registration… Read more »

Working together on implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in Georgia

Date: 2 February 2017
Time: Full day
Venue: Rooms Hotel Tbilisi, 14 Kostava, Tbilisi, 0108

Workshop organized and provided under the support of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and Clima East Project “Support to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Russia”
The Paris Agreement sets out a global action plan to keep global temperature rise… Read more »