Discussion Point

Equity and the 2015 agreement: The UNFCCC agreement requires parties to protect the climate system ‘on the basis of equity….’. But what does equity mean as preparations progress towards a new international agreement for action on climate change?
June 26, 2014

UNFCCC Article 3.1 requires parties to protect the climate system ‘on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities’.  But what does equity mean? 

Marzena Chodor looks at perspectives and definitions brought to bear in the debate on how equity will be reflected in a new International Agreement in 2015.

Equity and the 2015 agreement – discussion paper

Reflections on the Outcomes of ADP 2.4 – Clima East Key Expert, Dr. Marzena Chodor, reviews the aims and achievements of the ADP session, Bonn 2014
May 19, 2014

 ”The main goals of the ADP March session [...] were to advance elaboration of the content of the 2015 Agreement, with a view to arriving at elements for a coherent negotiating text by COP.20, [...] facilitate parties’ domestic preparations for their intended nationally determined contributions [and] unlock opportunities for raising pre-2020 ambition [...] . During the week in Bonn, these goals were only partly met. ….”

Read morePost-ADP 2014 March Info Note Clima East ENG

Andrei Marcu, from the Centre for European Policy Studies, on ‘Taking stock after the Warsaw COP’
December 11, 2013

Andrei Marcu, Senior Advisor and Head of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Carbon Market Forum, considers the outcomes of the recent international negotiations through the lens of three key questions:

i) Are the targets adequate and how do we reach environmentally adequate targets?

ii) Can one understand and compare what other Parties are promising to do to ensure that the level of effort is comparable and equitable, and that companies are not asked to do more than their competitors in other jurisdictions? Is there comparability and equity in the eyes of the beholder?

iii) Do we understand what tools each country uses (what is available, what one gets as support) to ensure that no one country (and its companies) gets an easier ride or competitive advantage in meeting the commitment/promises that countries make?

Download the full article here: ACM-After-Warsaw.pdf

More information on CEPS’ work is available at http://www.ceps.be/research-areas/energy-and-climate-change

As delegations meet in Warsaw, a number of interesting pieces from E3G on the COP and climate diplomacy
November 8, 2013

Read more: http://email.e3g.org/t/ViewEmail/r/ABB49DE182C6C7A82540EF23F30FEDED’